5. Flash Fiction: Summer’s End

Emily Barnett hosts a flash fiction challenge on Instagram every Friday. (Flash fiction, for those of you who don’t know, is a type of fiction that is very short, usually no more than a few hundred words.) I’m sharing my contributions on my blog for those who don’t follow me on Insta. Use the button at the bottom of this post to sign up and get any new blog posts straight to your inbox.

For this piece, Emily challenged us to keep the flash fiction to 100 words or less. Mine clocked in at somewhere around 97.


Long grasses brushed her dress as she passed, bobbing like servants before their queen. Her fingers trailed lightly over feathery ends, and delicate stems bent under the weight.

She knew how they felt.

Yellow leaves danced on the wind, the trees at her back sighing with the approach of summer’s end. A single scarlet rebel swirled into her path and away again, launching over the cliff into salty air.

She faced the sea; sapphire blue against pale skies. The dark horizon line stared back.


He hadn’t come.


6. Flash Fiction: Well in the Woods


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